Sarajevo - Upi Banka, later Intesa Sanpaolo Banka Bosna i Hercegovina

city Sarajevo

The Upi Banka was established in 1972 as an internal bank of the corporate system of the Udružena poljoprivreda, prehrambena industrija i promet (Associated Agriculture and Food Industries and Sales), aimed at supporting the operations of these sectors, which at the time employed more than 35,000 workers.
Since 1990, a new phase came in the development of the Upi Banka, when it was registered as a shareholding company and it was in a majority state ownership (92 per cent).
During the 1992-1996 war in BH, the Upi Banka maintained its operations even under difficult conditions.
As early as in 2000, through the emission of shares, the Bank was fully transferred into the hands of private capital, even before the law on privatization came into effect.
Further increase of capital and development of the Bank were significantly boosted through obtaining of the credit line from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and since 2003, this financial institution also became one of the major shareholders of the UPI Banka. For the five successive years, the Upi Banka paid dividend to its shareholders, and after the entry of the EBRD into the ownership structure, the profit was directed into capital strengthening.
In the major corporate event in 2005, opening up a new stage in development of the Bank, was the change of its ownership structure and involvement of the strategic partner, Banca Intesa, as the majority shareholder. On December 12, 2005, the sales transaction was announced at the Sarajevo Stock Exchange (SASE), and the Banca Intesa became the owner of 35.03% of the shares of the Upi Banka. In block transactions, Sarajevska pivara d.d. Sarajevo, Klas d.d. Sarajevo, Bosna Re d.d. Sarajevo, and Coning d.d. Varazdin (Croatia) sold their equity shares to the Banca Intesa. 
In 2007 Upi Banka merged with LT Gospodarska Banka. The new integral Bank continued operating under the name of the Upi Banka.
The procedure for merger of the LTG Banka to the Upi Banka was initiated by the members of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, the Privredna Banka Zagreb d.d. (PBZ), as the majority owner of the LTG Banka, with 66.99% voting rights, and by the Intesa Holding International Luxembourg (IHI), as the majority owner of the Upi Banka, with 81.18% voting rights.
After the merger, Intesa Sanpaolo Group became the owner of a total of 77.17% regular shares of the UPI Banka carrying voting rights (of which 58.22% for IHI, and 18.95% for PBZ), whereas the rest of the 7.17% remained in the ownership of the EBRD, and 15.66% in the ownership of small shareholders. On January 14, 2008, the UPI Banka was renamed Intesa Sanpaolo Banka Bosna i Hercegovina (ISP BiH).
During the year of 2011, Intesa Sanpaolo Group acquired additional shares, including the ownership of EBRD, and became the owner of 94,92 % of total shares of ISP BiH.
In 2015 the entire control package of shares of the issuer ISP BiH, which was in the ownership of Intesa Sanpaolo Holding International S.A. Luxemburg, was acquired by PBZ that became the new owner of ISP BiH. (

see in the map